2 months after the birth

2 months after the birth

2 months after the birth

Now I know it’s been a minute since I last submitted a blog entry for Daddy Diaries, but as a first-time dad I underestimated how busy and full on fatherhood would be for me. Looking after a newborn is tiring, demanding, exhausting, constant, but ultimately rewarding.

At times, I’ve felt like giving up and have been a bit disappointed in the mistakes I’ve made, but hey, I’m a new dad, what did this perfectionist expect? Ha! But I’m learning more about my duties and my daughter daily. My main aim is to be a good dad to my girl and to always be around as long as God wants me to be, and when things get tough, its that aim that keeps me going – it keeps me around.

But in saying this, the last two months have been a massive blessing. My wife is an awesome mum and an even greater partner/support for me and our Lily. I’m always offering my help to change nappies, help out with bathing Lily with my wife, sterilising bottles, holding her, easing her to sleep, playing with her as well as household chores and little errands outside too. I never stop! I don’t want to be some dad who looks on and makes my wife do everything, that’s not my style. I can’t help but want to do something. I get excited every time I see Lily even if I’m really tired! I love holding her, holding her hand and having her lay/sleep on me! These moments are priceless to me as I’m still in shock that I’ve started my own family and that God bestowed the blessing of our own child on my wife and I.

Lily is growing up so fast as she approaches 9 weeks old. She is a great attention-seeker who loves to cry when she don’t get her own way. She’s so expressive, aware and alert. She’s already rolling from her side to her back, and her back to her side. She smiles at us. She has incredible leg strength and can lift her head up so well. She’s simply adorable and looking more like me but as a female baby! Haha!

All I feel is pride right about now! I am a dad, MADNESS! It ain’t for the fainthearted but it’s so worth it! I’m Lily’s father, Can’t wait for the next two months! I cherish every moment!

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