I’ll admit it; When I found out we were having another girl, I was heartbroken. So heartbroken, in fact, that I called one of my best friends and cried on the phone with for nearly an hour, making him endure the torrent of my emotions. I was a shaken snow…
Is it crazy that I envy her discomfort?
Is it crazy that I envy her discomfort? Irrational that I desire such inconvenience? I see her carry our promise, yet I’m ever drawn to the fact that SHE feels each stage of the baby’s growth. The bonding process has begun, and is enriched with each moment of the struggle,…
How I got shot
I am sitting at this table, full of men bragging about how they can’t have children for various reasons, speaking as though having a child would be a fate with the equivalence of death. I can definitely understand and even respect when people say they don’t want to have children,…
The Intricately Underwhelming Puzzle Piece
I looked up the definition of the word “father,” somehow hoping for some in-depth, vast, and meaningful description. Fully expecting some glimmer of overwhelming inspiration. In some way, I guess I got what I wanted, because I certainly gained inspiration, yet not in the manner I anticipated. The definition of…