Its been a while

Its been a while

Its been a while

It has been a little while since my last entry, and MUCH has changed! It is simply amazing to me how much kids grow, and how quickly they progress and change! It seems as not long ago, Zan was nearly incapable of doing so much, and now she is so much more active and busy. Alexzandria is now walking (and running, jumping, climbing, and dancing). Everyone is always taking the time to warn me saying, “NOW, the headache begins!” but to be honest, Alexzandria hasn’t been much of an issue at all. She has her stubborn moments/ days, but she truly minds very well for a person of her age. 

For some reason, right now she is fascinated with eyes; she can be dangerous though, because she attempts to poke you in the eye while saying “eye!” (lol Thank God I wear glasses!) She can also pronounce and identify “knees”,”nose” and “teeth,” she hasn’t quite gotten “ear” yet though, she keeps calling her ears “eyes!” Alexzandria is blowing kisses, waving goodbye, and has added the word “no” to her vocabulary (thankfully she hasn’t begun abusing the word yet… I don’t know if I’m ready for that!) She is also beginning to mimic our actions more, lol my wife had in hair extensions and was patting her head because her head was itching, ever since, Zan has begun popping herself in the head! So, I guess we’ll have to be much more conscious of our body language lol. 

Zan is so fun loving, and she loves wild stuff like, being spun, thrown in the air, or being startled (crazy right? who likes being startled?) She absolutely loves music, and will usually stop doing whatever she is doing when music comes on, just to break out into a dance. I have been ignored MANY times because a commercial with a musical jingle came on! 

We are currently in the process of potty training her; which,I think, she is picking up quite well. We began potty training as soon as she started walking. It started by us just placing her on the toilet first thing in the morning, and immediately after eating, within 2 to 3 days she caught on to why exactly she was on there. I am super excited about that progress. She doesn’t take a bottle anymore, she has graduated to sippy cups and more solid foods. Which, to me that’s fantastic because her appetite is steady building and baby food isn’t getting any cheaper! 

Zan is a ton of fun, and she keeps a smile on my face. She is such a happy child, people always jokingly ask me, “can we just trade kids?” I must say, she is a pretty cool sidekick! Alexzandria is a year old now (her birthday was June 5th) and it’s hard to believe! It’s difficult to believe that just a year ago, I was unsure if I was ready for all this, I was overwhelmed at the thought of this moment! I was slightly intimidated, thinking, “what if I’m not good enough? What if I really suck at this? Oh God what if I drop her or something?!” lol thankfully that never happened. Truth is, I was kind of afraid of the unknown, and I didn’t want to be a worrying parent, calling the doctor for EVERYTHING, annoying all the other adults in the room… yes I was somewhat unsure of myself. I couldn’t really imagine myself as a dad, and NOW, I simply can’t imagine my life without my daughter. What a precious gift it is to be a daddy, money can’t buy this, nothing else could supply this type of feeling. Sure, now I get a little less sleep, but I have a lot more to dream about, who wouldn’t enjoy that? God blessed me to be a dad, and for that, I am SO grateful. 


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