A love like no other….

A love like no other….

A love like no other….

So 21 weeks ago my beautiful baby boy was born, like actually five months ago…where has the time gone??
I can clearly remember the day he was born, six hours labour and flew out in one push, it all happened so fast, come to think of it the speed of time has continued ever since that day.
One thing’s for sure, I’m totalling loving every minute of it. Taking notes (and pictures) of every minute. It’s an actual obsession, he is my obsession.
I’m still in amazement of how he changes & develops his skills daily, his facial expressions, his skin tone, his whole being developing right before my eyes! What’s even more amazing is that he looks exactly like me when I was a baby. To look at him and see a mini me, words are not enough describe the feeling.
Even watching him learn how to control the coordination of his arms, hands and fingers. We really do take for granted how amazing the development of the human body is, and how perfectly crafted we actually are.
Being a Scorpion like his Papa, he is now beginning to show his determined and stubborn traits! his current mission is trying to wriggle out of his baby bouncer with the innocence of having no fear.
No doubt he’ll crawling very soon pulling everything down in sight, but why does the thought of this secretly excite me?

Now, I’m not one who is unfamiliar with a busy and hectic life, in fact it’s what I’m used to. But these past few months have definitely challenged me and put me to the test.
Juggling a business, family and social life has not been easy that’s for sure. My time management skills have definitely been put to the test but I can happily say I am embracing my new found challenges, priorities and finding balance.

My routine of a long, busy and stressful day at work until 7:00pm is relieved when I arrive home. This is the best part of my day, coming home seeing my baby boy’s face light up with excitement the moment his eyes catch sight of me, fidgeting expressively, cooing and babbling just waiting for me to pick him up!
We then spend our quality time together with me bathing him whilst singing nursery rhymes or the occasional Whitney (he loves my singing voice even when I miss those high notes lol,) followed by a mini baby massage when oiling him, and then feeding him (yep this Papa got skills lol). A perfect wind down for the both of us….being a Dad is just the best feeling in the world xx

2 thoughts on “A love like no other….”

  1. Verna Moodie

    Enjoy every moment of this .It doesn’t stay this way for long .Years are now months so in a few months your baby will be a big man you will become brothers lol

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