A new year has dawned and along with it comes another overdue entry from myself. The thing is I haven’t really written anything here as I am enjoying living in my new fatherhood skin and just embracing all that comes with it and its experiences. I’m living it.
My daughter will be turning three years old in just over a month. She has been astonishing me with her growth and my pride in her and love for her literally knows no bounds as it keeps growing and increasing to new levels.
I genuinely have such a whale of a time every time I interact with my daughter. Our play is always quirky, fun and downright random. Her imagination and sense of role play is so endearing and cute. It’s inspiring to see because she is so committed to the world and characters that she is creating. We can go from acting like babies who make inaudible baby sounds, to playing doctors and patients, to playing princesses and fairies, to playing hide and seek, to running after each other pretending to be monsters or scary spiders scaring each other. The list is endless and it is so much fun! Through her I’m discovering my childhood again and my innocence and the lack of responsibility I had at that time. It’s been enlightening.
I am loving the little lady she is becoming. And although the tantrums are increasing, they are tantrums that mine and my wife’s discipline can quickly disperse and get rid of. We are doing a good job and the fact that she is very well behaved and is very aware and observant of the different environments she encounters and how to act when in those places – bodes very well for the future. Quiet in church, loud at home, takes time to warm up to new people she doesn’t know. I’m cool with that.
However, 2015 is a year that my daughter Lily will remember as it will be a challenging year full of new experiences and more family. She will be living in America from the age of three. Yep, myself and my family are moving to Houston in Texas to be with our American family.
We’ve been actively telling her about the move, she has seen us continually pack and get rid of toys and books and other things like that. She has been talking even more on FaceTime to her grandparents and her aunts, uncles and cousins in America. Lily says she’s ready but myself and my wife want to make sure that she transitions in a slow safe manner. She’s moving at the perfect time where she will remember her friends but won’t miss them too much where it hinders her in a new place. She’s not necessarily leaving her life behind here – it’s a new chapter for her. It’s very exciting for her. I think it will start to hit her after a month that we won’t be going back “home” to London.
I know that she will be ready and will get used to it because she will be around familiar faces. Her development and maturity shows me that she will do fine.
Fatherhood has been a revelation of harsh truth, positivity, enlightenment, inspiration, knowledge, maturity, love and development ever since I cut Lily’s umbilical cord. I am grateful for every single day I get to wake up next to my twin and tell her how much I love and appreciate her! I’m happy that fatherhood has happened to me and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m grateful for The Daddy Diaries still giving me an opportunity to express openly like this. Thank you. Wish us all luck in America! It’s a very new experience for me too.
It’s a real plaeusre to find someone who can think like that
i love the bond you have with your daughter and it makes me smile you should be proud your a devoted loving dad God bless you Xx