Thoughts from A Daughter

Thoughts from A Daughter

Notes from Rebeka Foster
Twitter – @TouchOfPurple
OK wasn’t sure if I should actually write this as seemed a bit unfair to do it from the other side when I was enjoying all the stories so much but current circumstances and then my birthday made me think why not!
So let me start with the birthday. I turned 26 this year and for my birthday I arranged a meal with close friends. Please note I have close male and female friends but for a number of reasons the male ones didn’t make it unfortunately so what happened is that I had a table with all my best ladies PLUS my Father who fitted right in and at least half of them had met him before once or twice (sorry haven’t lived at home for years so wasn’t a lot of overlap lol)
Anyway I was having a great evening and enjoying the food and company when I took a moment to sit back and just bask and appreciate it and I realised that my father was the only guy there, was a moment of private hilarity I can assure you but also I felt so grateful that I had a father who would could and did share such things with me and could be accepted by all my friends. Now my dad isn’t an utter charmer as such but has always been so friendly to anyone I introduce him to be they male or female! And I have always been happy to introduce him to anyone I’m with 😉
But to give you some background I basically have a mixed parentage. The person I call Father has no biological relation to me whatsoever but he has always accepted and raised me as such. I call his mother Nanny and the whole works with the whole family from his side.
So you may be asking where is my mum in all this?
Sadly she passed away when I was 14. While she was our  (my sister and I) main parent/carer, my Dad had always also taken care of us. So he stepped up and continued to raise me and my sister as best he could, putting aside his passions and pursuits in the meantime.  He has always been a great musician lol I would list the instruments he can play but that isn’t needed now.
There were some bumpy spots, as you can imagine with any teenagers, and maybe I was allowed a little more freedom than most but I’m proud to say I never abused it (well maybe once :P)
What I really want to say is that my Father has ALWAYS been one of the best men I have known. I was often envied the closeness that I had with my father when I was growing up but I was always able to ask his opinions and pick his brains. He has always offered his knowledge and experience  and has listened without judgement as and when it has been needed.
My Father has led an interesting life; did I mention passions and pursuits lol? He recently went to Burma for a month with his girlfriend, he called it a journey not a holiday. And I am proud to know him as a person and as my Dad.
So in closing my ramble, I just want to let all the Daddies participating in this that though your daughters and sons may not be able to fully tell you these things just yet, you are loved and valued and we will always be proud to claim you no matter what.
A Daughter

2 thoughts on “Thoughts from A Daughter”

  1. Kamran

    Wow! I write for Daddy Diaries and this is so good, thank you!

    What a beautiful post full of honesty, humility, love, and appreciation for your Dad. I’m so inspired by this! You sound like an amazing daughter I must say. And if I can be a good father like yours then I will feel like I’ve accomplished a big deal as a parent! Beautifully written! Rebeka Foster, I salute you for this one! I’m so proud to be a dad! This has enhanced it!

    Stay blessed hun!

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