Week 39- The Birth

Week 39- The Birth

Week 39- The Birth

So after all my hopes, wishes and thoughts about how this pregnancy would be, today ended up being the day!

My wife and I had spent the last month planning for this day. Our hospital bags were ready, I felt ready! And even better news was that my mom in law came over from Houston, Texas to stay with us for a month (to help us out with baby and all that).

Of course, this pregnancy threw an unexpected spanner in the works. The day before (and going all the way through to the early morning), my wife started to experience strong yet sporadic contractions. Nearer to 2am, the contractions were still strong and came every 6-7 mins. We weren’t sure if this was labour or not. To get reassurance, we called the hospital to determine whether we needed to get ready and come in. They asked us to come in so that she could be examined and assessed.
So after being woken up from my deep sleep (I had only been in bed for 1 hour), we called a cab, took our bags and got to the hospital just after 3am. I was helping my wife breathe and cope with the contractions. We were seen very quickly but the results of the assessment told us that labour hadn’t started and that the neck of the womb was closed so they sent us home with the assurance that labour could start “in a few hours or a few days”. We got back home after 4am and we went to bed. I had to wake up at 7.30am for work.

The next morning (Thursday 9th) I was woken up by my frightened panting wife who was suffering more contractions. I supported her again through this. I was very worried at this point. Even though I was in two minds to stay or not, I was persuaded to go to work after being given the whole “we need the money as we have another person to feed” sermon from my wife.

I arrived at work and then 30mins later, I received a text from my wife to say she was in labour. I called her to make sure and she couldn’t even speak – I just heard screaming and panting. The labour happened so quick as her waters broke whilst at home. She was so far gone that an ambulance had to pick her up and bring her straight to the hospital.

Now I had to make my way from Moorgate to Whipps Cross (near Leytonstone) to be there in time to be by her side. It was a race against time and I felt like I was in an episode of “24”. My wife had made it to the hospital and on a bed by 11.50am. Exactly 16mins later at 12.06pm, my wife gave birth to our baby daughter Lily Sylvia Assadi. At 12.10pm I arrived at the hospital and thanks to my wife and mom in law – they held off and waited for me to cut the cord! RESULT!

Although I was a tad disappointed of missing the actual birth, I was just happy and relieved that my wife got through it so easily thanks to God, my mom in law, the ambulance and the midwifery team. A healthy baby girl who weighed 6lbs 1oz! God is good!

I’m just grateful for the blessing and chance of being able to raise and start my own family with my soulmate. I aim to be a role model and a constant presence for my daughter.

#TeamAssadi has a new member! Welcome to Lily Sylvia Assadi! Most importantly, I am a DAD!

Lily is beautiful!

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