


Wow! I can’t believe my last Daddy Diaries entry was in July. How bad of me! *smacks his own wrist* I’ve been massively busy working a 24 hour lifetime job of being a father to my daughter Lily, who is now nearly 9 months old! This job has been the best and worst, stressful and enjoyable, funny and emotional, yet sublime and rewarding rollercoaster of my life and I’m only 9 months into it! I haven’t even got to the teenage years yet. Being a father has tested my patience and frustration levels, given more plenty more grey hairs to contend with, constantly battle my wife on things we don’t agree with (two different opinions/mindsets don’t always agree as parents), and has really shown a mirror to my good and bad qualities in equal measure. 

Now to the outsider, this might sound like a disaster or regret but it definitely isn’t. I’m just being honest as an observant good man and father. I simply enjoy this ultimate blessing of being bestowed the wonderful responsibility of being a father to my own child and being able to jointly look after her with the woman I still am very much in love with. God has blessed me and my family and for that, I’m eternally grateful. I truly love being a father to my active, observant, alert, cheeky, funny, mischievous, food-loving daughter. 

In terms of updating you all on Lily’s progress, Lily is teething hard and has four teeth (two on the top and two at the bottom) with two more trying to come through the gums on the top. She is eating more food (baby food, finger food she can pick up and eat, and now more of our food especially at dinner) and drinking less breast milk from Mum, she can crawl fully now really quickly, and can stand up supported and for a short time unsupported, and can walk forward if we hold her by the hands to encourage her. To tell the truth, I can’t turn away from her without seeing her eating paper, playing with noisey toys/baby wipes/plastic bags, or basically anything she can get to and get her hands and mouth on. She babbles a lot and makes so much noise, sticks her tongue out, and has now said Da-Da and Daaaaaaad often enough for me to know that she’s trying to get my attention. At the moment I am writing this entry as she is sleeping in her cot! She’s a real people person, has made her own friends (her age and much older) at various playgroups, loves all the people at our local church, and loves being at home with her two gorgeous loving parents! I think watching older children has helped Lily to develop much more quickly than usual. Lily loves being tickled by me, loves singing and when people sing songs to her, and is a fanatic for CBeebies (British children’s TV channel for the overseas people who don’t know) and their shows especially number and alphabet shows. Because of Lily being able to get around the house so much, we’ve already put in gates to ward her away from dangerous environments (kitchen, stairs etc). Lily even got to meet her great-grandfather a few weeks ago and that just brought tears to my eyes because of the whole generations coming together thing, even though Lily will never meet my own mother who passed away 12 years ago. 

In short, I’m really enjoying watching my daughter grow up so quickly and be more independent in exploring new things. I love being a father to her even though it has opened up my emotions so much and I know cry more often at films or when I look at Lily! 

I didn’t know being a father could change you up so much. I suppose you don’t know what’s capable until you go through it! God is good and I am happy to be on this unique journey! My daughter is crying now, so gotta go and tend to her needs especially as she’s at the clingy stage! :) 

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