My third born child. My lockdown baby. I’m so sorry son it has taken me over 2 years to write about you. Believe me, it is not from a lack of love. I lose count of the number of times I stop and just watch you. Discovering a new sound, playing with a toy, marching around the place it is such a joy to see you in action, growing all the time.
This third time round I’m trying my best to actively be more present. When you have a 9 year old and 6 year old also marching around the place it becomes even clearer how quickly the years go by and that this cute toddler phase will soon become cheeky, confident pre-schooler phase. So I’m soaking it all up. Loving the way you say “ther’is” (there it is), “nigh ni” (night night) and “Gaga” (dada). Loving the way you hold my hand as you walk down the stairs like a big boy. Even the early mornings just loving how fortunate it is that I get to be your Dad.
Living in this post pandemic world of hybrid working has meant I have had so much more time with you then I had with Maya and certainly Rafa. Working from home has allowed me to be at more breakfasts, lunches and dinnertimes. And although the other 2 have also benefitted from me being around more I feel the bond we have built has been different. There has clearly been times when you wanted Daddy cuddles for comfort and not Mummy who has (rightfully so I might add) always been first choice with the others. But for some reason you have wanted your Dad and I have loved it and I hope it can continue.
You are already showing us how much of a loving and caring soul you are, following in your brother and sister’s footsteps. The Music is definitely in you as well and I can’t wait to see how it develops. I mean I generally just can’t wait to see the person you are becoming evolves for however long I get to be on the journey with you, like I said loving being your dad Marcus.