So, Noah is One. Cliché as it sounds, it’s gone super fast and I’m missing the times that he wasn’t so loud, in my face, grumpy, sulky, ALWAYS WANTING MY FOOD. In fact, I’m laughing as I’m typing this but I actually can’t recall when last I’ve enjoyed a dish…
Daddy Brain Dump
It’s April already. Blink and it will be June – Noah will be a year old. Blink again and it’s Xmas. You see where I’m going with this? I am losing track of my days weeks and months. I feel like I was holding Noah’s bottle to feed him not…
All Of This Love, and Bite
Hello there! Okay so, it’s been roughly 4 months since my last update and oh how my little homie has grown. He has surprised me in many ways over the last four months, I recall when he had to have his set of injections [inserts pause] ok so, the good…
Google, Mum Rebukes Your Western Ways
So, I’m sat at home with a terrible cold, I’m talking the works! I know most females look at men that stress the extremities of Man Flu but for real, it’s serious business! The constant sneezing, itchy throat, fatigue – it’s flashing up bad memories as I think about it…