This month my daughter turned 6. As we came to the end of a calm birthday weekend, the new broke of Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash. Despite not being a huge basketball fan over the years, I have watched a number of Kobe’s videos listening to his rules for success…
Rafa Roye 2 years young
I walk through the front door and peer into the front room. Hands behind his back, lil pop belly sticking out fixated with team umi zumi on the telly . I shout hello and his head turns. His eyes light up he cries out Dad-eeeeee, sucks his bottom lip in…
My girl
Every evening I walk through the door and as soon as he lays his brown eyes on me he points and calls “Dada”. What generally follows (if he is out of the bath that is) is a run to me, arms open – I lift him up and he rests…
Maya is 3!!!
My daughter is 3!!! where did that come from??? While I am aware that time flies – also learning to cherish every moment and season for what it is! it still does not change the madness of the reality of how quickly it’s all going. Her heart is warm, I…