Every evening I walk through the door and as soon as he lays his brown eyes on me he points and calls “Dada”. What generally follows (if he is out of the bath that is) is a run to me, arms open – I lift him up and he rests…

Every evening I walk through the door and as soon as he lays his brown eyes on me he points and calls “Dada”. What generally follows (if he is out of the bath that is) is a run to me, arms open – I lift him up and he rests…
First Blood Saturday mornings don’t mean lie ins anymore… the kids are up between 5 and 6 depending on (if they kept you up the previous 8 hours). We take a break from CBeebies and engage in some Channel 5 Milkshake with Paw Patrol and Blaze to accompany Rice Krispies,…
Today (22nd September) would’ve been the 64th birthday of my mother. Anything that has to do with my mum or reminds me of her (birthdays, anniversaries, triggered memories) still affects me deeply and mentally even if I don’t always tell people openly about this. My mum was my first love…
This was not what I expected. I thought “you’ve done this once before, you know what to expect, you know exactly what’s coming and you’re going to be able to handle it.” FOOL! The blur is that first couple of weeks with your new child. For some it lasts weeks,…